Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Postmodernism and Development : Reality or Rhetoric ?

Let me congratulate to Prof. Dr. Mana Wagle who inspired me through his four stanzas poem . It really helped me opening my eyes from the lens of Postmodernism and Development. A request with the valued readers not to try te get any definition of postmodernism and developemnt in this two pages article. Once reading series of practical problems it is your kind responsibility to dig out the definition of those two terms in your own perspective. Series of questions have been raised in a little mind from fragile and existing so called development of Nepal.

Is the term development used in reality or rhetoric? Our education has a great role to express my feelings and concernes obiously thanks goes to the prevalent education system. Please do not take it otherwise to the fate of our existing education system. Are we creating awareness among illiterate people through imparting so called modern education or creating hipocracy? Doctors say not cigar no alcohol to the patient? Parent say no lie to the children but ask own children parents are not at home on telephone or inside in the room. What would be the generation? So called educationist tired of teaching. Are we teasing on teaching ? If I have penetrated in any body’s profession please forgive me for the sake of well-wishers? I too love live a long myself ? making notes and updating with the latest technology does not want to update the syllabus and is being proud that the products can compete with the modern world in which circumstance? Are not enough? One more instances that so called development workers or governance experts give the lesson of development in theory with forty inches wall but being a consultant he would like to save the money from so called donors and start making walls of just fourteen inches, who cares? Who can claim when one has rocket launcher and directs on the neck or eye or head if one speaks or writes something reality against the monopoly? Who does not love to long live?

It might be a true weapons to kill the nasty so called intellectuals who are getting so called benefits from so called political parties. I do not have believe on any one unless practice the true in a real life. If a shoes does not give you comfort what is the use of it? When a doctor can not cure the patient prescribing a perfect medicine after all following strict methods of taking medicines, what is the beauty of such medicine or consulting such doctors ?

A proper diagnosis is needed. Let’s respect other idea or voice but we need to be away from and should not promote any type of hypocrisy in the name of protecting any cracy or ism defending the corruption till future generations. Development should be mean to misuse others’ resources as a popular Nepalese proverb “ mamako dhan phupuko sradhha”

So called politicians and intellectuals had more than 600 Jambo representation in a so called climate change summit ( biswoka manchheka mela) Copenhagen at whose cost? Many of them will be lost there. Who knows what these so-called climate change leaders they do? If we ask about the ice age or glacial periods or loss of many powerful species both flora and fauna from sand, surfaces and water etc? They probably do not know idea where is the answer.

We are bound to respect and regard to their kind information as they are great heroes of the nation we are accepting with a great pain as mentioned in the song of Late Narayan Gopal mutu mathi dhunga rakhi hasnu paryachha… An unexpected events and street plays have been launched at free of cost because we need to go to astrologers to ask when is Nepal on ? Unlikely same as load shedding, no water , no work no pay , no vegetables then is it not became free of cost? This sort of great jokes have been entertained by the great jokers of the century. Who is responsible on what when a sitting minister smashes the vehicle in the name of second hand and another slaps to subordinates in the name of hidden agendas. Free of cost we were entertained by so called play from so called fourth State that minister was lost when an search warrant was issued against Minister (PHARAR) . It was all fake.

Please do not say any thing if you do not like reading it just delete like a mentioned above free of cost. Mr. White is engaged in white colour crime and say let’s promote good governance . He commands to his subordinates to make extra food bills of cocktail reception . Do wine or whisky or beers are allowed ? If allowed in a party why not bills should be made in its name? It is a great mistakes if true is done. It is development what we have learned from so called developed countries so called development experts and the followers of them for the sake of their own vested interest Nepalese counter part will sign on so called development fund, or aid why to fulfill so called interest signing on such fake development being a witness. It is called a puppet or so called development advisors or consultants from Nepalese development perspective. We are promoting to take back money to the country of origin instigated making a fake bill of extra food and allow to take back their money in Mr. White's country. He enjoys in Nepal not only scenes, money , mines and mineral but a lucrative Nepalese so called human resources too. If one comes here as a trekkers one day or researchers and life long would like to stay some time in the name of consultant some time ambassadors in the name of so called expert in the given name underdeveloped are very nasty teach one thing and act other thing nakedly.

Beware from these Wild cats or so called governance advisors or experts on the above mentioned issues. There is a great role in receiving so called grant and development fund in the country by so called intellectuals who started drinking wine /whisky leaving yoghurt/milk from Nepalese cow and depend in food cereals in so called developed countries money were our fathers educated lie us till 60s and they had enough food but now many agricultural scientist, climate change experts but neither increasing food production compare to the increasing population nor can predict the evening or following day’s climate by so called climate change experts in a morning or evening respectively.

A couple of questions are in my mind once after reading a poem of Prof Dr. Man Wagle and receiving the comments on so called .....??

When Minster of Home takes dinner but so-called reporter does not have capacity to spread what sort of issues should be reported? Can we dare to talk about so called judges who participates in rice feeding ceremony or prize distribution ceremony of one of the parties who has filed case against some one in his or her bench? Is it rule of law? When no minister can move here and there even with gun-loaded security provided by so-called GoN and another so called development aided donor community or UN's vehicles hits the people in the street are they in Nepal for the development of developing spying and looting our precious national treasures? It is a huge question to the intellectuals. Let’s have a discourse on it. Let’s not talk what we are producing and providing so called technical or value education. We are proud of exporting our most of the so-called educated youths to Middle East having graduated from various universities to become shepherded. Does our so called updated syllabus help to develop our mother land to make corruption free country? The one who talks much seldom works. Is it the same situation of our education in Nepal? Otherwise why so-called university graduated exported day by to so called developed countries like Europe, USA , Australia and Asian Giant Tigers. ? Are we sure that they will return saying so called leaders looted the nation and lets return back to Nepal once enjoying in individualistic juice it is difficult?

Conclusion sending so called university graduated youths to other countries in the name of so called further education or service means loosing our own cultures, value neither culture of other countries can fully adopted assimilated nor we can follow or own culture. Acculturation is not a sustainable solution seeking job and so called education from other countries. The so-called syllabus has not been developed to develop Nepal instead instigate to ruin our own culture and value system. Let’s respect others voice and educate others in a practical way. Based on the above discussion development is not a reality but it is rhetoric in postmodern. Altruistic education is the only solution to get an expected development when parents… do actors, when a educator, when a development activist….when a judge…….many more endless whens.

Recommendation a Nepalese soil, climate, culture, value based syllabus in school, University level course should be developed. A school course needs to be developed to the guardians separately once a week or an hour a day. A pragmatic than philosophical approach needs to be developed if we are going to develop the nation by a true children of Nepal for the true children by the true children of motherland Nepal. A down to earth should be to seeking a solution not from away. At least all leaders of Nepal should have a political diplomacy class up to Master level then they should join in politics. All truths are bitter and is not digestive such as Galileo, Gautam Buddha, Bhakti Thapa, Bhimsen Thapa, Dev Shamsher, a great poet Laxmi Prasad Devkota, Socrates, C. Darwin nor Einstein were treated as a good person to the contemporary society. - L B Thapa, 23rd December 2009

Critical comments, observation, suggestions and appraisals are appreciated. To L B at

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