Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Postmodernism and Development : Reality or Rhetoric ?

Let me congratulate to Prof. Dr. Mana Wagle who inspired me through his four stanzas poem . It really helped me opening my eyes from the lens of Postmodernism and Development. A request with the valued readers not to try te get any definition of postmodernism and developemnt in this two pages article. Once reading series of practical problems it is your kind responsibility to dig out the definition of those two terms in your own perspective. Series of questions have been raised in a little mind from fragile and existing so called development of Nepal.

Is the term development used in reality or rhetoric? Our education has a great role to express my feelings and concernes obiously thanks goes to the prevalent education system. Please do not take it otherwise to the fate of our existing education system. Are we creating awareness among illiterate people through imparting so called modern education or creating hipocracy? Doctors say not cigar no alcohol to the patient? Parent say no lie to the children but ask own children parents are not at home on telephone or inside in the room. What would be the generation? So called educationist tired of teaching. Are we teasing on teaching ? If I have penetrated in any body’s profession please forgive me for the sake of well-wishers? I too love live a long myself ? making notes and updating with the latest technology does not want to update the syllabus and is being proud that the products can compete with the modern world in which circumstance? Are not enough? One more instances that so called development workers or governance experts give the lesson of development in theory with forty inches wall but being a consultant he would like to save the money from so called donors and start making walls of just fourteen inches, who cares? Who can claim when one has rocket launcher and directs on the neck or eye or head if one speaks or writes something reality against the monopoly? Who does not love to long live?

It might be a true weapons to kill the nasty so called intellectuals who are getting so called benefits from so called political parties. I do not have believe on any one unless practice the true in a real life. If a shoes does not give you comfort what is the use of it? When a doctor can not cure the patient prescribing a perfect medicine after all following strict methods of taking medicines, what is the beauty of such medicine or consulting such doctors ?

A proper diagnosis is needed. Let’s respect other idea or voice but we need to be away from and should not promote any type of hypocrisy in the name of protecting any cracy or ism defending the corruption till future generations. Development should be mean to misuse others’ resources as a popular Nepalese proverb “ mamako dhan phupuko sradhha”

So called politicians and intellectuals had more than 600 Jambo representation in a so called climate change summit ( biswoka manchheka mela) Copenhagen at whose cost? Many of them will be lost there. Who knows what these so-called climate change leaders they do? If we ask about the ice age or glacial periods or loss of many powerful species both flora and fauna from sand, surfaces and water etc? They probably do not know idea where is the answer.

We are bound to respect and regard to their kind information as they are great heroes of the nation we are accepting with a great pain as mentioned in the song of Late Narayan Gopal mutu mathi dhunga rakhi hasnu paryachha… An unexpected events and street plays have been launched at free of cost because we need to go to astrologers to ask when is Nepal on ? Unlikely same as load shedding, no water , no work no pay , no vegetables then is it not became free of cost? This sort of great jokes have been entertained by the great jokers of the century. Who is responsible on what when a sitting minister smashes the vehicle in the name of second hand and another slaps to subordinates in the name of hidden agendas. Free of cost we were entertained by so called play from so called fourth State that minister was lost when an search warrant was issued against Minister (PHARAR) . It was all fake.

Please do not say any thing if you do not like reading it just delete like a mentioned above free of cost. Mr. White is engaged in white colour crime and say let’s promote good governance . He commands to his subordinates to make extra food bills of cocktail reception . Do wine or whisky or beers are allowed ? If allowed in a party why not bills should be made in its name? It is a great mistakes if true is done. It is development what we have learned from so called developed countries so called development experts and the followers of them for the sake of their own vested interest Nepalese counter part will sign on so called development fund, or aid why to fulfill so called interest signing on such fake development being a witness. It is called a puppet or so called development advisors or consultants from Nepalese development perspective. We are promoting to take back money to the country of origin instigated making a fake bill of extra food and allow to take back their money in Mr. White's country. He enjoys in Nepal not only scenes, money , mines and mineral but a lucrative Nepalese so called human resources too. If one comes here as a trekkers one day or researchers and life long would like to stay some time in the name of consultant some time ambassadors in the name of so called expert in the given name underdeveloped are very nasty teach one thing and act other thing nakedly.

Beware from these Wild cats or so called governance advisors or experts on the above mentioned issues. There is a great role in receiving so called grant and development fund in the country by so called intellectuals who started drinking wine /whisky leaving yoghurt/milk from Nepalese cow and depend in food cereals in so called developed countries money were our fathers educated lie us till 60s and they had enough food but now many agricultural scientist, climate change experts but neither increasing food production compare to the increasing population nor can predict the evening or following day’s climate by so called climate change experts in a morning or evening respectively.

A couple of questions are in my mind once after reading a poem of Prof Dr. Man Wagle and receiving the comments on so called .....??

When Minster of Home takes dinner but so-called reporter does not have capacity to spread what sort of issues should be reported? Can we dare to talk about so called judges who participates in rice feeding ceremony or prize distribution ceremony of one of the parties who has filed case against some one in his or her bench? Is it rule of law? When no minister can move here and there even with gun-loaded security provided by so-called GoN and another so called development aided donor community or UN's vehicles hits the people in the street are they in Nepal for the development of developing spying and looting our precious national treasures? It is a huge question to the intellectuals. Let’s have a discourse on it. Let’s not talk what we are producing and providing so called technical or value education. We are proud of exporting our most of the so-called educated youths to Middle East having graduated from various universities to become shepherded. Does our so called updated syllabus help to develop our mother land to make corruption free country? The one who talks much seldom works. Is it the same situation of our education in Nepal? Otherwise why so-called university graduated exported day by to so called developed countries like Europe, USA , Australia and Asian Giant Tigers. ? Are we sure that they will return saying so called leaders looted the nation and lets return back to Nepal once enjoying in individualistic juice it is difficult?

Conclusion sending so called university graduated youths to other countries in the name of so called further education or service means loosing our own cultures, value neither culture of other countries can fully adopted assimilated nor we can follow or own culture. Acculturation is not a sustainable solution seeking job and so called education from other countries. The so-called syllabus has not been developed to develop Nepal instead instigate to ruin our own culture and value system. Let’s respect others voice and educate others in a practical way. Based on the above discussion development is not a reality but it is rhetoric in postmodern. Altruistic education is the only solution to get an expected development when parents… do actors, when a educator, when a development activist….when a judge…….many more endless whens.

Recommendation a Nepalese soil, climate, culture, value based syllabus in school, University level course should be developed. A school course needs to be developed to the guardians separately once a week or an hour a day. A pragmatic than philosophical approach needs to be developed if we are going to develop the nation by a true children of Nepal for the true children by the true children of motherland Nepal. A down to earth should be to seeking a solution not from away. At least all leaders of Nepal should have a political diplomacy class up to Master level then they should join in politics. All truths are bitter and is not digestive such as Galileo, Gautam Buddha, Bhakti Thapa, Bhimsen Thapa, Dev Shamsher, a great poet Laxmi Prasad Devkota, Socrates, C. Darwin nor Einstein were treated as a good person to the contemporary society. - L B Thapa, 23rd December 2009

Critical comments, observation, suggestions and appraisals are appreciated. To L B at

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Selfless contribution is urgently required to help save Laxmi Maharjan from blood cancer !

Request with all to provide charity or selfless contribution/ service in order to save Laxmi Maharja's precious life.

It is a correspondence amonmg many people who have a helping attitutude and donate to a person who is in a very critcal stage both in financially and health point of view who is struggling from a blood cancer
Thank you,
---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Lal Bahadur Thapa Date: Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 10:51 AMSubject: Fwd: Seeking for financial support to Laxmi Maharjan ! Fwd: Request for participating in a IInd meeting to save Laxmi and establish a health endowment fund !To: prakash_adhikari2007 , Amrit Kharel , nabin aryal , samjhana Poudel , aryal123dipak , journalist , "Bhuwan K.C." , Mirmire FM , Nepal Fm , Ujyala ,,, Brabim Kumar KC Cc:,
Dear colleagues,

Namaste and greetings !

Lets pray for fast recovery of Ms. Laxmi Maharjan, a young 23 years Master's Physics, student, Patan Multiple Campus. She is from Putalisadak Kathmandu and she has been under treatment of blood cancer Om Hospital, from day before yesterday she is in ICU and in ventilator.

She has been taking four to five points of blood at a time as per Doctors' prescription. Her treatment fee is at least 2 lakhs per month from Hospital record since last July. If you could kindly air this news for possible financial support from a charitable organisation interested individual

Laxmi Maharjan elder sister asked me to circulate Laxmi's Bank account number (001-148MB Citizen Bank) to all who are willing to support financially in her critical health/financial condition.

You may please annoucne or circulate this news through your esteem meida. We hope your space in your popular media some of people who is interested to help in her critical stages of financial and health might be a hope to her fatst recovery.

Your support may open eyes of concerned Government officials to provide needful support to Laxmi Maharjan.

For detail information please read the forwarded email below. In addition to this you may please forward this email among your network for needful support as requested.

For very urgent matter only you may kindly contact to Ms. Binisha Maharjan (elder sister of Laxmi ) - 9849149347 , <>,Mr. Suresh Bhattarai (her friend) - 9841485867 up on desire to provide financial support.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you with kind regards,

Sincerely yours,



---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Lal Bahadur Thapa <>
Date: Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 5:55 AMSubject: Seeking for financial support to Laxmi Maharjan ! Fwd: Request for participating in a IInd meeting to save Laxmi and establish a health endowment fund !To: Chintamani Yogi <>
Cc:,, ccNepal son <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ratna Sansar Shrestha <>, ramindrachhetri <>, Babu Krishna Karki <>, Punya Prasad <>, punm <>, harith <>, Hari Prasad Bhattarai <>, Pushpa Raj Poudel <>, Puspa Rai <>, Prakash Rai <>, "Menuka K.C." <>, sudeepnakarmi <>, "Ram K.C." <>, chandra bista <>, chandra gyawali <>, Chandra Bhakta Bista <>, Raghu Bir BIsta <>, madan <>, Pradip Parajuli <>, Minesh Ghimire <>, David Gellner <>, David Holmberg <>, Mani Raj Gurung <>
Dear all,

Namaste and greetings !

Let's pray for Laxmi Maharjan's fast recovery through selfless contribution.

Last night she was admitted in ICU and she is in Ventilator since 3:00 P. M. today in the same Om Hospital. Just now I had a telephone conversation with her elder sister Binisha Maharjan that Laxmi's health is more deteriorating than day time.

She asked me to circulate Laxmi's Bank account number (001-148MB in Citizen Bank) to all who are willing to support her financially in her critical health/financial condition.

As we had an emergency preliminarily discussion/ meeting on last Wednesday 16, December, 2009 at Dr. Subhendu Gupta's Health Research Center, Tripureswor for possible group support. An email request was made to you all for IIn meeting at 17:00 P. M. in the same place tomorrow on Monday 21 and circulated it's decision. Before a raising a fund ( not proposed) meeting realised that a financial support committee for the treatment of Laxmi was felt need.

It was agreed that all programmes as proposed in the last meeting could be launched in the future once having a IInd meeting as mentioned . Let's hope the organiser will call off (take back) three days national level strike through breaking evening news. Otherwise we will meet in the scheduled time and place on the day when strike either calls off or over.

At the end of the meeting, it was learned from Mr. B. K. Dalit that he including Mr. Manoj Pandit and Mr. Ballav Timilsina were visiting Chitwan and would show a Greater Nepal documentary film for immediate fund raising to support Laxmi Maharjan. It was cancelled to show documentary as scheduled for today and the team returned Kathmandu last night to avoid the three days strike. I learned it when I had a call to Mr. B. K. Dalit. It is time to pray for her sound health with pure mind, heart , soul and shoulders. It is time to work together most extent possible and not time to divert the helping attitude at any cost.

Respected guru Dr. C. M. Yogi, Dr. Subhendu Gupta, Mr. Hari Thapa Mr. Devi Acharya, Ms. Sumnima Tualdhar, Mr. Bhola Nath Sharma, Mr. Satelite, Mr. Deepak Sharma Bajagain, Mr. B. K. Dalit were updated her health situation through telephone calls during day time to extend and request to forward this message among own network for possible financial support. ( All may contct these personalities if you want to support)

I request Mr. Karna Shakya (Ballav ji please update the situation of Laxmi and our selfless interest to provide her needful support) Hon'ble Mr. Gauri Pradhan, Mr. Jimmy Lama, Hon'ble Mr. Gagan Thapa, Mr. Rabindra Misra (Satelite ji please update him), Mr. Ashik Malla, Captain Vijay Lama, Mr. Ashik Malla, and all who are copied this email to take a needful decisions.

Sagarmatha Radio and Gorkha FM Radio have aired that Laxmi is in a Om Hospital bed and fighting from Blood cancer yesterday and today respectively.

For very urgent matter only you may kindly contact to Ms. Binisha Maharjan (elder sister of Laxmi ) - 9849149347 Mr. Suresh Bhattarai (her friend) - 9841485867 while you want to provide financial support.

Thank you very much for your extend kind cooperation as requested above.
With pray to save Laxmi's life.



On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 1:25 AM, Re: Request for participating in a IInd meeting to save Laxmi and establish a health endowment fund !Nepal son <> wrote:
Dear Sir,
I am highly worried about Laxmi.
SO, I would want all to put into efforts to save Laxmi till she gets recovered.
Then only we will move to other activities.

---------- Forwarded message ----------From: gauri.pradhan <>Date: Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 12:17 AMSubject: RE: Fw: invitation of Satsang...To: Lal Bahadur Thapa <>, cmyogi CC
Dear LBji,
I have been going through all your emails forwarded to me. I thank you very much for updating the development of works you are initiating for sometimes. These works are very appreciable and worthwhile. Please keep up your spirit high with positive thinking and pro-active approach.

I am also sorry to hear about the demise of Dr. Saubagya Jung Shah, Dr. Thhaneshor Gautam and Dr. Baburam Bhattarai, the sparkling people of our societies. Certainly, it’s a great loss to the nation. I wish all three of them eternal peace and hearty condolence to the bereaved family.


Gauri Pradhan (Mr.)
Commissioner and Spokesperson
National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)
Tel: 5010015 (Ext. 125), 5010212
Fax: 5547973 and 5547975

---------- Forwarded message ----------From: anjana karki <>Date: Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 9:09 PMSubject: Re: Request for participating in a IInd meeting to save Laxmi and establish a health endowment fund !To: Lal Bahadur Thapa <>
Thank you very much L.B sir forwarding the good news. We are really very proud for our Navraj sir and heartly congratulate him for his success
and wish him to save this aura for longtime with lots of new work .

with best regards,

Anjana karki

---------- Forwarded message ----------From: cmyogi <>Date: Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 8:04 PMSubject: Re: Request for participating in a IInd meeting to save Laxmi and establish a health endowment fund !To: Lal Bahadur Thapa <>,
Dear LB Thapa ji, thanksssssssss; you have written very well, it's very clear.. very genuine.. and very appealing...

i appreciate all those good people who serve community selflessly and strengthen humanity spiritually.... so fiends, i'm with you all for this GOOD cause... so lets' go ahead with prayers...

"Farka Farka Jau Samau Dukhi-haru Ko Pau; Malam Lagau Aarta Haru Ko Chaharai-raheko Ghau..."
cm yogi

---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Lal Bahadur Thapa <>Date: Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 4:55 PMSubject: Request for participating in a IInd meeting to save Laxmi and establish a health endowment fund !To: Bhola Lamsal
Dear all,Namaste and greetings !Satelite ji told me should do two things in life: present on time and accomplish the promised work effectively with in given deadlines effectively are the basic characters for social volunteer. The same may not have necessarily need to become professional social workers. Both characters have been found in respected Mahabir Pun dai and Satelite ji.
Why needed an Endowment fund? Let's not expect to see and experience same condition as Laxmi has been struggling for her life since last July in and out from Om Nursing Hospital bed any more in the future by any disease.In Laxmi's case almost alI social volunteers I found very serious. We need to make an entire effort to establish a health endowment fund in a national level to support all sort of patients who do not afford to pay for their treatment fee themselves.
Who will be supported from this endowment ?It will definitely start from the needful support to Laxmi Maharjan with top priority.
The collected and raised fund goes into the same endowment. It will help to all needy ones who do not have any political, economical, so called social, religious access to the resources and State power .
Can only people from urban area benefited from this endowment?
It is not focused only accessible urban helpless people. It is to all people from any parts of our country ( can be supported to any parts of the world when endowment takes a desired momentum) who have loosing their family members lacking a simple warm clothes which can cause pneumonia and lead to death, lack of salt, sugar and water as a tragedy of the commons.
Who is responsible in recent loss of more than five hundred lives of people from so called remote area? Vaguely speaking it was a mere negligence of so called power monger statesmanship's of the nation. They are wrong drivers of the State vehicle. They do not have a proper vision and mission to run the State. They are given aesthetic value for their moral-less political ideology and unnecessarily overemphasized by so called intellectuals. This place is so called remote to the so called leaders because instead of supplying needful immediate relief to the victims of simple diarrhea they spent money in air fuel bills but so called cabinet approves 20 Millions Rupees to charter airbus only.

Let's not talk about expenditure of daily 2 lakh for a hiring limousine car for sophistication and luxurious use in the name of so called treatment. Concerned expert like Dr. Umesh Shrestha realised that all sorts of treatment is available in Nepal. If it was misuse that money without clearing from concerned ones why State drivers allowed to such person flying out of the country ? Who is wrong ? A media who reported? People who listened ? A persons who question on such issues?

No single sovereign people has voted to any single political leader to mis-utilise the national fund in the name of any street play. Why endowment is needed?

The leaderships might be busy in earnings not only to their family members but to their future generation too. It is a malicious work not to take immediate action in whatever name such as poverty, inaccessible place, remote area, lack of State's right information, lack of food, medicines, proper sanitation and pure drinking water facilities, proper education. The hollow mind and hunger leaderships do not meet the needs of the people aspiration and right to health falls under their mercy. In this jumcture, to provide a right to health to Laxmi maharjan and followed this path to provide all needed.

Can not the endowment fund be criticised?
Many criticism might be there at any good initiation / work. It is known that a living martyr for IInd people movement known as Mr. Mukesh Kayastha is still in his bed awaiting to his peaceful death. Many persons got fake certificates of IInd people's movement wounded or injured and a millions of Rupees was raised and supported.
A lesson is learned from the past incidents we are very cautious not to mis-utilise the endowment fund created by people itself. It will be free from criticism while utilising the fund.
It does not matter. Let's move ahead with a pure heart, soul, shoulder and mind no one can stop from achieving the goal awake, arise until...
Source of inspiration to establish endowment fund
One of our colleagues Mr. Hari Thapa's social responsibility is being increased once after selection first one of his documentary movie (Sherpas are the heroes of the Mount Everest) in Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival recently. Similarly, Dr. Nava Raj Panta's International Award on new development model, A longest marathon reader on Guinness World Record holder Mr Deepak Sharma Bajagain attempted a Hat-trick on world Aids Day o last December 01, 2009 and is being attempted again on the day of Happy new year to combat against the climate change through the globe.

Role model for social volunteer respected guru Dr. C. M. Yogi, a well known social volunteer respected Kiran Thapa, greater Nepal movie producer Mr. Manoj Pandit, captain Vijay Lama's Nyano programme, Mr. Bhola NathSharma a community service oriented by his deed and nature, Dr. Subhendu Gupat's selfless volunteerism, Hon'ble Gauri Pradhan spokesperson and Commissioner National Human Right Commission, Hon'ble Gagan Thapa, CA Member, Dr. Umesh Shrestha's commitment to prevent diseases through maintaining balance diet and Mr. B. K. Dalit's Rs.100/- campaign and many more persons who would like to contribute society more remaining in low profile like Mr. Ashik Malla than others. Many more are there whose contribution have not mentioned in this expression are our real social assets which will lead to reach our destination. Our great thanks goes to all of these social certificate achieved our colleagues.

Is it possible to support Laxmi maharjan and others establishing endowment fund?
Yes nothing is impossible. If we read the same word impossible it will be as I m possible. It is an attitude. Please believe on it that billions and trillions dollars will be raised in the future to achieve the proposed programmes/ activities. It will start from Laxmis Maharjan case. Millions of Laxmi's will be benefited from any types of diseases who do not afford themselves. The required amount from the fund will be mobilised in an independent expert report based on the method.
Is this fund utilised only to the victims of blood cancer?
No any sort of of patients will be treated any sorts of diseases who have been fighting for the death lacking of money. Please see the forwarded previous email for a detail programme and methods of raising funds and proposed activities. Our last emergency meeting concluded to provide needful support /suggestion to Laxmi immediately. The following were presented in the first meeting among Mr. Bhola Nath Sharma, Ms. Binisha Maharjan (elder sister of Laxmi Maharjan), Mr. B.K. Dalit , Mr. Devi Acharya, Mr. Gyan Bohara, Mr. L .B. Thapa ,Mr. Megh Pariyar Mr. Parshu Ram Ghimire, Mr. Satelite, Dr. Subhendu Gupta.,A future support will be raised and seeking in the next meting expected to have a larger meeting in presence of guru Dr. C. M. Yogi, respected Kiran Thapa, Dr. Dirgha Singh Bam, Karna Shakya and interested all are kindly requested to participate in the meeting .
Let's do something with full determination. We will success in the near future. We are meeting on Monday at 5:00 P.M. again at Dr. Subhendu Gupta's clinic please provide us your constructive ideas, opinions and your warm presence in the meeting.
Thank you with kind regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Bhola Lamsal <>Date: Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 11:06 PMSubject: OmTo:
Thanks for giving me good information . Respected Mahabir Pun has received the 3Lacks from Japanese students . Mahabir is a brave son of Nepal. He is doing very very good job for the Nation. Our leaders should learnrd many many things from him .Please pray with God Thank you again and again
Bhola ---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Bhola Lamsal <>Date: Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 10:17 PMSubject: Chat with Bhola LamsalTo:
10:17 PM me: I was worried yesterday about your travel but God managed it through Sateliteji. You managed him to send him with a spade to collect soil from Shivapuri jungle for a mangal work for Laxmi baini. Let's pray for her life back. Mr. B.K. Dalit also called from Chitwan I learned from her elder sister Binisha and Dr. Subhendu Gupta has monitored whether the promised task has been taken or not.
Satelite ji went in a pro gramme today with the same spade where Mahabir Pun dai has asked him to join in a meeting handover 3 lakhs donation from students of Hokaido University, Japan. According to him, an article was published by Sateliteji to raise the fund. It is the payment for his great work and honor for his genuine cause and raised the fund. congratulation to him and our great social volunteer Mahabir Pun dai. No one can remain silence without praising his selfless contribution to connect the world people providing wireless technology to remote areas of Nepal

---------- Forwarded message ----------From: cmyogi <>Date: Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 11:42 AMSubject: Re: Congratulation to Hari Thapa and request for an emergency meeting ! Re: meeting with Dr.Subhendu Gupta!To: Lal Bahadur Thapa <>, sujan dhakal <>,
Many many Congratulations to Hari Thapa ji; we are proud of you; we need many Hari's to preserve our culture and raise our Nepal's name on global level;

friends, we reach no where by being negative... and by Nepal Banda... we need people who can serve Nepal Aama as their daily Pooja.... so friends, let's walk together with prayers....

cm yogi
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lal Bahadur Thapa <>
Date: Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 1:38 PM
Subject: Congratulation to Hari Thapa and request for an emergency meeting ! Re: meeting with Dr.Subhendu Gupta!
To: Nepal son <>
Dear all,
Namaste and greetings !
Congratulation to Mr. Hari Thapa for selecting his documentary film (Sherpas are the heroes of Mount Everest) on a week long Kathmandu International Film Festival as we all have prayed in a dinner programme hosted by respected Guru Dr. C. M. Yogi to honor a social volunteers for their selfless social service on 20th December.
Please hear the appeal to save Laxmi's invaluable life who is not in access of the Sate resources but she is well loved and prayed by selfless committed volunteers. Sudeep ji on the top to disseminate this pathetic story among all of us.
A million of thanks goes to Mr. B.K Dalit for his prompt effort and sharing a quick information of a meeting with Dr. Subhendu Gupta in order to save Laxmi's life.
In fact once I got the last report from B. K. ji I could not sleep whole night thinking how to save Laxmi's life. An endowment concept to help overall patients who are deprived using and accessing the State resources are merely out of most available resources as it has been shared by Mr. Devi Acharya last time and the same was shared by respected Kiran dai with respected Guru Dr. C.M. Yogi since last five years.
This is high time to implement and experiment practically if we do not act now then our dream will be never implemented.
Please assemble at Dr. Subhendu Gupta's Research Centre to share some good ideas to implement.
I request all to kindly allocate your invaluable cold night at Dr. Subhendu' Gupta's Research Centre at Tripureswor.
I would like to request you all to kindly present in emergency but a welfare meeting which will be a historic in the field of heath issues.
We know a temporary find for the nature of political cases have been established in the past but all were not a sustainable as we experienced. It is thus a living Martyrs Mr. Mukesh Kayastha is fighting and waiting his death. We need to over come with such unsuitable programme.
Respected Guru Dr. C. M. Yogi respected Kiran Dai, Mr. Bhola Nath Sharma , Mr. Satelite, Mr. Hari Thapa, Dr. Umesh Shrestha, Mr. Deepak Sharma Bajagain, Mr. Nabin Aryal, Captain Vijay Lama, Mr. Deepak Aryal, Mr. Hari Thapa, Mr. Mani Raj Gurung, Dr. Umesh Shrestha, Mr. Tilak Koirala, Ms. Renu Bhandari, Sister Sarju Baba Shrestha are kindly requested to present in an emergency meeting today in order to save Laxmi from blood cancer and think something sustainable programme.
Please add something which is in your mind to make as better as we possible for the meeting besides the proposed following points/ topics for discussion:
Each one will take not more than three-minute presentation/sharing in this discussion
Sharing/update the situation of patient and local and Indian's Doctors lab report:
· Brief history of health situation Laxmi and her family’s condition from her sister;
· Medical treatment probability from Nepal and India based on the reports Dr. Subhendu Gupta green blood and other tips : immediate initiatives at patient and family level
· Dr. Umesh Gupta’s views and tips : immediate initiatives at patient and family level
· Brief by Mr. B. K. Dalit on his experience coordinating Richa foundation and Tesring help
· Experience by Ashik Malla suggestion of Dr. Jenny Lammichhane
· Sharing from Manoj Pandit from his end
· Experience sharing from Satellite,
· Sharing from Deepak Sharma a Guinness World Record holder
· Respected Kiran Thapa’s proposal to establish a national level fund,
· Mr. Devi Acharya’s view on endowment fund
· Captain Vijay Lama who had fully taken responsibility to a young girl who was a blood cancer victim
Based on this experience what can be done in the future
Fund raising programme;
a) Media campaign/ blog/ articles ;
b) Email and internet
c) Organisng games
d) Organising cultural programme;
e) Greater Nepal documentary film show at campus level, theater/ cinema level, Nepal wide and international level
May be more good ideas than this a various level of initiatives can be launched in the future
· Propose a national level committee which will decide raising and utilize the fund
· Short-term programmes, talk programme/ sharing programme among social service oriented volunteer intellectuals, Concerned Government Officials, University level, hospital level, financial experts level, economic institution level such as banks, political level, community local level, national level and international to save Laxmi and Millions of Laxmis;
· Mid -term programme best use of existing State run Hospitals for them who can not afford the treatment fee;
· A long term sustainable programme health facilities should be made free to all till 2020;
· Any other business (AOB)
· Respected Guru Dr. C. M. Yogi’s view

Please suggest and share your best option and way forwards in case you are not able to attend the meeting as requested urgently.

Thank you and look forward to welcome and seeing you at Safe way health and Research Centre, Tripureswor a motor cycle way adjacent to Tukucha Khola way to Dasharath Stadium before 100 meters to Nepal Army gate along with Statdiaum.
Sincerely yours,


Contact number 4261629 Dr. Subhendu Gupta, B. K. Dalit 9721416163 and LB Thapa 9841334013

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 9:20 AM, Nepal son <> wrote:

Ashik dae

L B sir had called me thins morning.
He wants all of us to join a meeting with Dr. Surbindra Gupta at his residence Tripureshowr at 6:00 PM today about Laxmi Maharjan.
Would you come there?
Manoj and Ballvji- You also need to attend the meeting.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: sudeep neupane <>
Date: Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: Let's save Laxmi!
To: Ashik Malla <>
Nepal son <>, Lal Bahadur Thapa <>,

Dear Gagan dai

Fist of all, wish your journey to cophenhegen fruitful. There are lots
of problems we are facing. You are someone having inspiring youth
personality. Let you be successful all the time.

Hope your helping hands join saving Laxmi's life after your comeback.

sudeep neupane
On 12/11/09, Ashik Malla <> wrote:
Dear Ashik dai,

A shame on me. I am also here in Copenhagen. But i am not the part of govt
delegation. As i am one among the Climate change Ambassador nominated by WWF
Nepal , i am here to address a gathering of south Asian young delegates.

However i wouldd like to get join hands with you in helping both Laxmi and
sita in my individual capacity. I will be back on 14th.
Gagan Thapa

On 12/9/09, Nepal son <> wrote:

Dear Sudeep,

I am thankful to you for taking the lead to support Laxmi to regain her
life. It is our responsibility being a son of nepali mother to help a daughter
of Nepali mother like Laxmi. You are really great son of Nepal!
I will also try to do something from my side and encourage others to help.
I will contact you and other family members of Laxmi.
B K Dalit

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nepal son <>
Date: Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 11:15 AM
Subject: Fwd: Let's save Laxmi!

Dear Tsering
Thank you so much for forwarding the email to Deepakji and requesting him to do something for Laxmi.
I am glad that Deepak ji is visiting Hospital to see Laxmi.
I hope we will be able to make Laxmi free of cancer soon.
Let's wish for her better health with god!
With regards,

On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 9:08 PM, Tilak Koirala,Journalist <> wrote:
I did not get the mail of Dr pant. so Mrs Pant is sending it.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nepal son <>
Date: Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 11:15 AM
Subject: Fwd: Let's save Laxmi!

Dear Tsering
Thank you so much for forwarding the email to Deepakji and requesting him to do something for Laxmi.
I am glad that Deepak ji is visiting Hospital to see Laxmi.
I hope we will be able to make Laxmi free of cancer soon.
Let's wish for her better health with god!
With regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: anjana karki <>
Date: Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 6:59 PM
Subject: Re: Let's save Laxmi!
To: Nepal son <>
Even many nation in this 21st century booms up in different field of science and techonology........they had challange the creative power of god......they had challange the process of birth and death but its so heartpinching to say that our nation still suffer from the lacks of basic needlike health facilities,education and food.
Each and every words i studied touched my soul...The question arises how can i help our dear sis Laxmi and how Can i contribute anything for her...........i respect our all seniors who is deeply involved to save laxmi and i too wan to follow the same path to save her .
I really appreciate "we are born for volunteering"and became breathless when i shared the experiences of ashik malla abot the child who take poison.Such incidents repeatedly occure and to solve all is imposible but the term itself reflects i m possible so it is possible if u unite together.
i am realy thank ful to beekey ji forwarding this mail.hope positively to save the life of dear laxmi.
Anjana Karki
--- On Thu, 10/12/09, Nepal son <> wrote:
From: Nepal son <>
Subject: Let's save Laxmi!
Received: Thursday, 10 December, 2009, 3:28 AM

Dear All,
Mr. Manoj Pandit( my dear friend) has mentioned that our nation is suffering from cancer.We all are trying to make our country a winner in this battle.We are confident enought that we can fight and make our country free of cancer one day.If we look at the politically polluted world there is no hope to cure the national cancer but if we look at the genuine efforts of Nepal's true children like Mr. Manoj Pandit, Ashik Malla, L B Thapa, Mr. Satellite, Capt.Vijaya Lama, Deepak Sharma Bajgain, Bhola Sir,Devi Sir etc.THERE IS A HOPE!

So, we can save Laxmi(our sister) and our nation too. But now,the time has come for all of us to take immediate action to save Laxmi from Blood cancer. In this regard, my friend Mr. Manoj is tirelessly working to find a sustainable treatment.

To raise fund, he is organising documentary(Greater Nepal) shows in Kathmandu which will be coordinated by Kathmandu Cycle City(KCC) 2020 group.This group is also forming "O positive Club" to arrange blood for Laxmi.

When we( Manoj and me) met Laxmi.She was really happy, energised and confident( probably with our presence at the hospital) that she wil be better one day with the helping hands of so many nepali brothers like us.She is studying M.Sc in Patan Science College and she wants to be a good physicist and serve our mother land after she will be healthy.We need millions of Laxmis like her who wants to do somthing good for Nepal. SO, It is our responsibility to save Laxmi(our sister) and many other Laxmis!

"Let's Save Laxmi!"
Beekay Dalit

On 12/9/09, Lal Bahadur Thapa <> wrote:
Dear all,
It is time to save the life of Laxmi in an individual or in institutional capacity.
It is not time to criticise each other in any news paper but time to help to the needy ones who is waiting a death. Another pathetic news of lost of the life in the eye of Dr. Jenny as reported in one of emails with a suggestion to shift patient from expensive OM Hospital to Cancer hospital Bhakatpur " We finally found out there was one ventilator in
Life care hosp and found out it cost 50,000 just for the deposit and 20,000 per day. Poor thing, they didn't have 5000 in their hands. I was very helpless at that moment and finally we found out that Global hopes was lil cheaper than that so we took there and left him there" Please see an article from Mr. Satelite on Nagarik daily today (Wednesday 24, 2009) to support financially in further education of Sita B. K. from Myagdi District. She is parentless and lost her parents before completing her SLC. Who cares if the concerned ones do not support. If GoN can not fulfil the basic needs of people as
mentioned in the email right to healthy environment, adequate treatment facilities when one is dying in the bead of Hospital, medicines, food, shelter, education, recreation and job opportunities then count down starts but eight of the ministers shamelessly participating in CoP at people's cost? Can Sujata or any member from cabinet be helpful in providing needed treatment health facilities to Laxmi and adequate education opportunity to parentless Sita B. K. at this movement.

Dear hon'ble CA member Gagan Thapa please help stop participating some of the ministers to divert in utilising the Sate fund from entertainment trip to Copenhagen in order to save the invaluable life of Laxmi and respect the child rights to education of Sita B. K.. Our leaders have lost capacity to learn good things from Indian Prime Minister and Environment Minister participating in CoP15 meeting but are very champion to pass their mean statement in a rest.

Lets pray something concretely in both of the issues to save the life of Laxmi and provide a basic educational rights to Sita B. K.

Thank you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Manoj Pandit <>
Date: Dec 9, 2009 11:10 PM
Subject: lets act against cancer-laxmi's and nation's
To: Lal Bahadur Thapa <>,
LETS ACT AGAINST CANCER-----lets acknowledge that our nation is suffering by cancer of statesmanship,we need to cure it and we are struggling,this time this appeal is for the unified strength to support Laxmi Maharjan,23 years MSC studying nation loving enthusiastic girl to fight against her medical cancer,she is in om-nursing hospital.are you willing to support her in whatever way you can?
I visited her today and it made me think that nationalism is all about nation and nation is all about citizen.The important truth is humanity so to obtain our objective of greater nepal we need to act for people,by people and to people so I request you all to review this message from humanistic pt of view and put your heart and minds as well link to support Laxmi.
we will communicate as you will put your interest on supporting her.
with this message which i sent to my network of greater nepal,i have just appealed to see how people will react on supporting for cause of humanity but I know we few have to act specifically and we should focus on coordinating on medical facility rather than raising money which also we need to do.I am focused on creating an environment to take her to Tata cancer hospital,Bombay and i have got hope concerning it,i am also trying to (i mean we)raise some fund by screening my documentary Greater Nepal showing the cancer of nationalism.
we have to act against these kind of cancer both of laxmi's ,young future of nation and the nation's itself.

I believe we can and if we can't then who can?

On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 9:08 PM, Tilak Koirala,Journalist <> wrote:
I did not get the mail of Dr pant. so Mrs Pant is sending it.

<>, chaitanya mishra <>, "Dr. Bishnu Nepal"

On 12/8/09, Lal Bahadur Thapa <> wrote:

Dear Sudeep ji,
It is a pathetic story. Some people are there who definitely can help to
sort out the problem. We need to march or reach the gate who is willing
to provide the needful help in this case.
Many Laxmi's are in Nepal but we need to help to one Laxmi that you are
referring her.

Satelite ji, I think you are very busy with Bagh bir dai can you please
give me a call whenever you are free. Please convey my sincere regards to
him. Lets do some thing to save the life of Laxmi who is lying in the Om
NURSHING HOME bead to struggle with her life.

If you have time kindly join with me at Hotel Himalaya at 5:45 P. M.
there is a programme and we can share some thing followed by dinner itself. I
will share some ideas with you to save Laxmi's life if it is acceptable to you
can proceed it.
I request with all to kindly share your ideas which one is better
requesting with Hospital to waive her medical fee or raise the fund
immediately no doubt to save her life at this condition..
Let's pray for her life.

Thank you with regards,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: sudeep neupane <>
Date: Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: Could you be of her help!!
To: Lal Bahadur Thapa

Dear LB Sir, Satellite dai and all,
Thank you very much for your kind response. If we be able to support
Ms.Laxmi, she may live years of life ahead. Previously i forgot to share her and her family's contact number. As i am leaving Kathmandu on 10th December for the "winter school of astroparticle physics" in Bose Institute at darjeeling and comeback
after 25th december from Darjeeling, i myself cant arrange you to meet her. So these are the mobile numbers where you can have inquiry.
Laxmi Maharjan (herself)- 9841707830 Binisha Maharjan (sister) - 9849149347, Suresh Bhattarai (friend) - 9841485867 hope we can help her to live further..
sudeep neupane

-------- Forwarded message ----------
From: स्याटेलाइट <>
Date: 2009/12/8
Subject: Fwd: Could you be of her help!!
रबिन्द्रजी नमस्ते:
तपाँइका सकारात्मक लेखहरुको म प्रसंसक हुँ । आज पनि कान्तिपुरमा 'बौद्दिक
चोरि' का बारेमा पढ्ने मौका मिल्यो । यो ईमेल लेख्नुको तात्पर्य, हेल्पनेपाल नेटवर्कमार्फत एउटी २३ बर्षिय किशोरिलाई बँचाउन सकियला की भनेर हो । म जस्तो सामान्य युवालेमात्रै ब्लड क्यान्सरबाट पिडित युवतीलाई बँचाउन सम्भव छैन तर हामी मिल्यौँ भने उनलाई बँचाउन सकियला की भन्ने बिश्वास छ । तल एकजना युवाले ईमेल लेख्नुभयो लक्ष्मी महर्जनको जिवन रक्षाका लागि सहयोग आह्वान गर्दै । तपाईंलाई थाहै छ अहीले हरेक दिन अखबारहरुमा सहयोगको याचना गरियका आह्वानहरु आइरेहका हुन्छन, सबैसम्म सहयोग पुराउन सम्भव नहोला । तपाइहाम्रो प्रयाशले एउटा जिवन बँचाउन सकियो भने त्यो हाम्रो सफलता हुनेछ । तपाइजस्ता अग्रजबाट हामीले सहयोग र मार्गदर्शनको आशा राखेका छौ। । हाम्रो ब्यक्तिगत तर्फबाट समेत सक्दो सहयोग हामिबाट हुनेछ लक्ष्मी महर्जनको जिवन रक्षाको लागि । तपाईंको संस्था हेल्पनेपाल नेटवर्कले संस्थागत रुपमा केही सहयोग गर्न सक्छ की भन्ने हाम्रो अपेक्षा छ । तपाईंले केही समय अगी क्यान्सरबाट जिवन गुमाउन लागिरहेका 'अच्युत शर्मा' का बारेमा उल्लेख गर्नुभएएको थियो । लक्ष्मी महर्जनलाई नयाँ जिवन दिन हामीलाई साथ दिनुहोस रबिन्द्रजी । तलको इमेलमा उनको बारेमा लेखियको छ ।
इमेलबाट सहयोग माग्नुपरेकोमा म क्षमाप्राथी छु तर उनको जिवन रक्ष्याको
लागि हामिमात्र पर्याप्त हुने अवस्था भयन ।
धन्यबाद तपाईंको समयको लागि ।
On 12/9/09, Ashik Malla <> wrote:
Dear Mr.Ashik,

Hello there!!
Thank you very much for your email. I read it and i feel it from the
bottom of my heart.
As you know i am intern now, yesterday was a very interesting and
emotional day for me at the emergency. A 10year old boy took poison
because he was very angry with his sister. We tried everything to save
him but since they had to come all the way from a village, it was very
difficult for us to save him as it had been few hrs after the
ingestion of the poison. Yesterday, with my own eyes i could see him
dying. Since we didn't have a ventilator we had to transfer him to
kanti hosp, but they denied to keep him as the ventilator was full
and they were not very helpful. in the traffic jam, i was giving him